The By-law Department is responsible for the investigation and enforcement of all our municipal bylaws.
To file a complaint, it must be in a written form.
Please complete a Complaint Form. Paper copies are available to pick up at City Hall (1 Wellington St.) or City Hall Annex (82 Erie St.).
Complainant information is confidential and will be treated as such.
All written complaints must include:
- The complainant's name, address and contact number
- Violation or concern
- Time and date of the violation
- Location of the violation
Trade (Plumbing / Drain layer Contractors)
Trades Licenses are required for Plumbing and Drain Layer Contractors working within the City of Stratford in accordance with by-law 181-2004. License application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
Our Trade Licensing Forms are below:
This chart outlines Plumbing Licensing Fees in effect January 1, 2025:
Backflow Tester
Drain Layer
Drain Layer Contractor
Journeyman Plumber
Master Plumber
Plumbing Contractor
Late Fee (applications submitted after January 31st 2024)
Bed and Breakfast Establishment
Bed and Breakfast Establishment Licenses are required for all Accessory Guest Rooms or Bed and Breakfast Establishments in accordance with by-law 108-2004, as amended.
Bed and Breakfast Establishments are currently only being licensed within a Single Detached Dwelling or an existing accessory building in conjunction with a Bed and Breakfast Establishment located on Ontario, Huron, and Erie Streets.
License application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
New Bed and Breakfast Establishments with three or more rental rooms could require a Building Permit or a Change of Use permit as the use of the building would change from a Single Detached Dwelling to a Boarding, Lodging, or Rooming House. This change requires the building to adhere to more stringent health and safety requirements including fire safety requirements. Even if no construction is proposed a change of use permit will be required. A qualified designer will be required to provide documentation to the Building Division as part of your Building Permit application.
Bed and Breakfast Quick Check
Here are a few items to check prior to applying for a Bed and Breakfast Establishment. The Establishment must conform to the following requirements:
- Principal Owner Occupied (Owner must be present during the rental)
- Dwelling Type (Single Detached Dwelling)
- Permitted in the following Zones: R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, MUR, C1, C2, C3, UR, A.
- Not permitted on a Private Street
- Guest Rooms may not be suites (shall not include separate dining or food preparation areas)
- No limit on consecutive stay days or annual limit of stay days
- Liability Insurance required $2 million per occurrence
- List of all motor vehicles owned by operator
- Amenities spaces and planting strips in accordance with the Comprehensive Zoning By-law section 4.3.3.
- Accessory Guest rooms may have 1 accessory guest room and may be permitted on a Private Street
- Parking to be provided on subject property only, each parking space is a minimum of 2.4m x 5.6m (site plan required outlining location)
- Floor Plans to be provided identifying all rooms and spaces used by renters and only for owner.
Bed and Breakfast Establishment Forms
Bed & Breakfast Application
Bed & Breakfast Renewal Application
Bed and Breakfast Establishment Fees in effect January 1, 2025
1 Room Bed and Breakfast
Each Additional Bedroom
Late Application Fee
Transfer Fee
Short-Term Rental Accommodation
Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licenses (STR) are required for all Short-Term Rental Accommodations, Hostels, Boarding, Lodging, and Rooming Houses, Inns (1-5 Suites), or Short-Term Guest rooms in accordance with by-law 130-2022.
In the case of Short-Term Rental Accommodations there is a maximum consecutive of 28 stay days per rental as well as a maximum 180 days of rental annually.
In the case of a Hostel, Boarding, Lodging, and Rooming Houses, or an Inn (1-5 Suites) there is only a requirement for a STR license if the accommodation provides stays less than 28 consecutive days to the traveling or vacationing public. If for these types of accommodations stays are provided for a longer duration, there is no requirement for a STR License. The 180 day maximum rental per year is also not applicable to this type of accommodation.
License application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
Short-Term Rental Accommodations with three or more rental rooms could require a Building Permit or a Change of Use permit as the use of the building would change from a Single Detached Dwelling to a Boarding, Lodging, or Rooming House. This change requires the building to adhere to more stringent health and safety requirements including fire safety requirements. Even if no construction is proposed a change of use permit will be required. A qualified designer will be required to provide documentation to the Building Division as part of your Building Permit application.
Short-Term Rental Quick Check |
Here are a few items to check prior to applying for a Short-Term Rental Accommodation License. The Accommodation must conform to the following requirements.
General Provisions: (for all types of Accommodations)
- Fire Safety Checklist (signed by Fire Inspector)
- Fire Inspection Certificate (signed by Fire Chief or designate)
- Confirming property is in conformance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act (FPPA)
- Statement of maximum occupancy permitted
- Fire Safety Protocol
- Fire Safety Instructions
- Fire Safety Plan Drawings (to be posted at Primary Entry)
- Electrical System Safety Assessment
Completed by Licensed Electrical Contractor
- Liability Insurance required, $2 million per occurrence for term of license. Certificate to include confirmation property can be used as a Short-Term Rental and confirmation that the insurer can only cancel with a maximum 60 days’ notice
- Amenities spaces and planting strips in accordance with the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 4.3.3.
- Parking Management Plan (Site Plan)
- Property dimensions
- Location of buildings on property
- Setbacks from all property lines
- Location and dimension of driveway
- Location and dimension of parking spaces. Parking to be provided on subject property only each parking space is a minimum of 2.4m x 5.6m
- Location and dimensions of rear yard landscaped open space and amenity space
- Identify location and type of containers for waste, recycling, and organics.
- Confirmation of sufficient lighting levels, both interior and exterior from a qualified designer
- Floor Plans to be provided identifying all rooms and spaces used by renters and only for owner.
- Floor plan for each floor, identifying the use of each room. Label rooms by name, physical description, or location.
- Label number of beds and size per room as well as maximum occupancy of each room.
- Identify which, if any, rooms are owner occupied.
- This includes a sketch of the basement and accessible attic.
- Indicate Occupancy Limits
Short-Term Rental Accommodation:
- Principal Owner (Owner vacates property while rental occurs)
- Dwelling Type (Single Detached, Semi, Converted, or Townhouse Dwelling)
- Permitted in the following Zones: R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, MUR, C, C2, C3, UR, A
- Not Permitted on a Private Street
- Maximum 28-day consecutive rentals
- Maximum 180 days of rental per calendar year
- Only requires license if providing stays of 28 consecutive days or less
- Accredited or recognized by Hosteling Association or operated by non-profit and contains common washrooms
Boarding, Lodging, and Rooming Houses:
- Only requires license if providing stays of 28 consecutive days or less
- Occupied by Owner or Principal Tenant as a principal resident
- Dwelling Type (Single Detached Dwelling)
- Contains 2 or more guest rooms rented weekly or longer
Inns (1-5 Suites):
- Only requires license if proving stays of 28 consecutive days or less
- Inns providing accommodation with 6 or more suites do not require a license
Short-Term Rental Forms
Short-Term Rental Accommodation Application |
At the February 10, 2025, Regular Council meeting, Council adopted the following resolution:
THAT the report titled, “Accommodation Licensing By-law Fee Implementation” (COU25-010), be received;
AND THAT Schedule “B” of the City’s Fees and Charges By-law 99-2024 be amended to establish license application fees for the City’s Accommodation Licensing By-law 130-2022 as recommended in Report COU25-010.
By-law 16-2025 was adopted in this regard to establish license application fees. |
Group Home Registration
Group Home Licenses are required for Group Homes within the City of Stratford as defined in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and the Group Home Registration By-law 52-2004. License application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
Group Home Forms:
Group Home Application
This chart outlines Group Home Licensing Fees in effect January 1, 2025:
Group Home (New)
Group Home (Renewal)
Completed Permits for Awnings, Driveways, Signs and Swimming Pool Applications can be submitted using the Electronic Permit Submission Page. If you intend to pay the application fee with a credit card, please fill out the Credit Card Form. Current by-law fees are outlined below.
Hardcopy applications are accepted at the City Hall Annex (3rd Floor), located at 82 Erie Street, Stratford Ontario, N5A 2M4. Only 1 method of submission is required for each permit.
Please ensure that all of the required forms and drawings, as outlined below, are submitted. Upon receipt of your submission, a staff member will reach out to confirm your permit cost, and whether any documents or drawings are missing. Municipal staff cannot begin review of your Application until all documents, and payment, are submitted.
Awing permits are required for any awing to be installed where the awing is a movable canvas awing that will be fastened to the face of a building and extended over City property as defined in the Awning By-law 149-66. Application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email. Please note than an indemnity agreement is required as part of the approval process.
Awning Application
Driveway alteration permits are required for new or modifications to driveway to ensure the driveway meets the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
Driveway Permit Application Package
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool permits are required to ensure the pool fencing and equipment meets the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and Fence and Hedge By-law 128-2003, as amended, requirements. Application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
Swimming Pool Application
Sign permits are required for new or modifications to existing signs to ensure the signs meets the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and Sign By-law 159-2004, as amended. Application forms are listed below and can be submitted by email.
Permit Fees in effect January 1, 2025
Driveway Widening
Fence & Hedge Amendment
Pool (Above Ground)
Pool (In-Ground)
Sidewalk, Community Events Signs
Sign Permit
Sign Variance
This chart outlines Sign By-law Fees in effect January 1, 2025:
Sign Removal
$250.00 or the City's actual cost of removing the sign, whichever is greater
Storage Charge
$25.00 per day or part thereof, or $2.50/m2 of sign face per day or part thereof, whichever is greater
Signs will only be held in storage for 30 calendar days; after such time, they will be destroyed