The Municipal Act, 2001 (the ‘Act’), as amended, provides municipalities with greater autonomy but also mandates the implementation of various accountability and transparency measures.
The City of Stratford is committed to conducting business in an open, transparent and accountable manner, and has embedded these principles within our various policies, practices and procedures. We make every effort to provide you and the community with as much information as possible.
Municipal Act Policies |
Section 270 of the Act provides that municipalities must develop and maintain various policies regarding the accountability and transparency of municipal government and its operations. The following have been adopted by Council and are regularly reviewed to ensure compliance:
Code of Conduct for members of Council and Local Boards and the Integrity Commissioner |
The Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards was adopted by Council to:
Council appointed an Integrity Commissioner to address the application of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards. The Integrity Commissioner has the power to deal with requests to investigate suspected contraventions of the Code of Conduct. In addition to conducting formal Code of Conduct investigations, the Integrity Commissioner also serves as an advisor on appropriate conduct to individual Members of Council or Council as a whole. |
Code of Conduct Complaint Procedure |
Informal Complaint Process: Before a formal complaint is filed, individuals who have witnessed any behaviour or activity by a Member that is or appears to be in contravention of the Code of Conduct may complete the informal complaint process as noted below:
Formal Complaint Process: Complaint forms shall be filed with the Integrity Commissioner for classification to determine if the matter is a complaint with respect to non-compliance with the Code of Conduct and not covered by any other applicable legislation or City policies. To file a formal complaint, please complete either the printable or fillable version below and email it to David Boghosian at To complete a form, please choose either the printable or fillable version below: All formal complaints must be made in writing, be signed by an individual and include:
Upon receipt of a complaint or request for inquiry, the Integrity Commissioner shall first determine if it is within their jurisdiction and whether there is a procedure under other legislation or City policy to deal with the complaint. If it is determined that other procedures apply, the Integrity Commissioner shall refer the complainant to the appropriate person or agency to follow that process. Where it has been determined that a complaint should be dealt with under another process, it will no longer be considered or dealt with by the Integrity Commissioner and the time limits described in the other processes will apply accordingly. Upon receipt of a complaint or request to conduct an inquiry within their jurisdiction, and if the Integrity Commissioner deems the complaint or request to have merit, the Integrity Commissioner shall investigate and may attempt to resolve the complaint. The Integrity Commissioner shall report the general findings of their investigation to the complainant and the Member no later than sixty (60) days after receiving a formal complaint. The report on the general findings shall include:
The Integrity Commissioner will then file a report to the City Clerk for consideration by Council which will include any corrective action(s) or penalties to be considered, if there is a contravention. If the Integrity Commissioner is of the opinion that a complaint or request to conduct an inquiry is frivolous, vexatious, not made in good faith or that there are insufficient grounds for an inquiry, the Integrity Commissioner shall not prepare a preliminary report to Council and shall not conduct an inquiry. |
Contact the Integrity Commissioner |
At the November 25, 2024, Regular Meeting, Stratford City Council appointed David Boghosian, Managing Partner of Boghosian + Allen LLP, as the City's Integrity Commissioner. Mr. Boghosian can be contacted through one of the following means: Email: Telephone: 416-367-5558 extension 211 Address: 37 Spadina Road, Toronto, ON M5R 2S9 |
Closed Meeting Protocol |
At the September 9, 2024, Regular meeting, Stratford City Council adopted a Closed Meeting Protocol. The Protocol is intended to assist the City ensure compliance with the statutory requirements for holding Closed Meetings as well as to enhance the transparency of the City decision-making process. |
Closed Meeting Investigations |
Council has appointed Local Authority Services (LAS) Ltd., as the City's Closed Meeting Investigator. LAS is authorized to conduct investigations upon receipt of a complaint about a closed meeting or part of a closed meeting. The Investigator will determine compliance with the Act and/or the City's Procedural By-law. For information on the investigator program please see the attached brochure LAS Investigator Process. If you require this document in an alternate format, please contact the Clerk's Office at 519-271-0250 Extension 5237. REPORTS
Closed Meeting Complaint Procedure |
Individuals may submit complaints relating to compliance with the Municipal Act and/or the Procedural Bylaw during a closed meeting or part of a closed meeting. Section 239 of the Act outlines the instances in which a closed meeting can be held. Complaints must be submitted in writing on the Complaint Form Municipal Investigation to the City Clerk and must contain the following information:
Complaints shall be emailed to the City Clerk, Tatiana Dafoe, or submitted to the City Clerk in a sealed envelope marked “Private and Confidential - Complaint under Section 239 of the Act” and either delivered in person to the City Clerk’s Department on the Ground floor of City Hall, or mailed to: City of Stratford 1 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 818, Stratford ON N5A 6W1 The Clerk will forward the complaint to LAS who will conduct an assessment and, if deemed to be warranted, appoint an Investigator. The Act states that when the investigation is complete and the Investigator is of the opinion that the closed meeting should not have been closed to the public as per the Act and/or Procedural Bylaw, the Investigator must submit a report, with or without recommendations, to City Council at an open meeting. |
Procedural By-law |
A Procedural Bylaw was adopted by Council to establish the rules of order for Council and Committee meetings. The rules ensure a fair and consistent approach with respect to the consideration of City business. The Procedural By-law also establishes standards in relation to notice provisions, agendas and minutes, resolutions and voting, and Council-Committee structure. Please note: the Procedural By-law is currently under review. |
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Registry |
The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires Members of Council to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter under consideration. As a result of changes to the Act, municipalities are required to maintain a registry of all declarations made under the Act. To view the registry, check out the Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Registry webpage. |
Council Expenses |
Members of Council are required to publicly report and publish a statement of gifts received, salary, benefits and expenses received annually. To review the annual report prepared on the Mayor and Councillor's Renumeration and Expenses Summary, check out the Finance Reports webpage. |
Integrity Commissioner Annual Reports |
If you require this document in an alternate format, please contact the Clerk's Office at 519-271-0250 Extension 5237. |
For More Information |
For more information about accountability and transparency measures, contact the Clerk’s Office at 519-271-0250 Extension 5237. |