Stratford is governed by an elected City Council made up of a Mayor and 10 Councillors. City Council is elected every four (4) years. The next municipal election takes place in October 2026.
Everyone is welcome to attend open meetings of City Council, including Committee, Sub-committee, Special Council and Committee of the Whole meetings, as well as advisory committee meetings.
For more information on the City's decision making process, Stratford City Council, its Standing Committees and Sub-committees and the role of Council, please see below.
In 2021, the City of Stratford hosted a series of interactive public information sessions online to provide citizens with a better understanding of how the City operates, including the role of Council and administration.
The four sessions were led by Ian McCormack, a local government expert and author of Who’s Driving the Grader and Other Governance Questions.
Video recordings of the online sessions are available here:
Session 1: What the City Can and Cannot Do
Session 2: What the Mayor, Council, CAO and Administration Do
Session 3: Engagement in Local Government - How Citizens Can Get Involved
Session 4: City Finance - Where the Money Comes From, and Where it Goes
Stratford City Council uses a three-step decision making process. Sub-committees of Council make recommendations to the Standing Committees of Council that are then forwarded to City Council for a final decision. View our Decisions Flow Chart.
Standing Committees are the second step in the decision-making process. Standing Committees meet twice a month in the Council Chambers following the Regular Council meetings. There are five Standing Committees that are the same as the Sub-committees listed above.
A Standing Committee may accept or amend a Sub-committee recommendation or refer it back to Sub-committee for further discussion. If a citizen request has been heard at a Sub-committee meeting, it is not necessary for the presentation to be made again at the Standing Committee.
Stratford City Council meets twice a month to consider reports and the recommendations of the Standing Committees made at the previous meeting. At the Council meeting, adoption of the Standing Committee Reports is the third step in the decision-making process. This three-step process can take a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks to complete but it allows for deliberation by all members of Council in a thorough manner.
Regular Council meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers or electronically and are open to the public. The meeting schedule is subject to change. For a listing of all meetings, go to the Council Calendar.
Minutes from Regular Council meetings are posted to the City's website once adopted by City Council.
Rogers tv coverage of Stratford City Council meetings can be viewed live at when available.
Archived recordings of most meetings can be viewed on the Council Calendar.
Contact Us
City of Stratford
P.O. Box 818
1 Wellington St.
Stratford ON N5A 6W1
T: 519-271-0250
TTY: 519-271-5241
Email City of Stratford General Inquiry
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