Everyone is welcome to attend open meetings of City Council. Most City Council meetings offer an opportunity for people to speak and/or send written comments about items on the meeting agenda.
View upcoming meeting agendas for City Council.
If you have a concern about City services or programs, we encourage you to contact City staff to discuss the issue before registering as a delegation. Some citizen concerns can be addressed internally by staff and do not require a Council decision.
If your issue cannot be resolved by staff, staff can then advise you of the next steps to address your concerns, which may include appearing before one of the following Sub-committees of Council:
To speak during a Sub-committee, Committee or Council meeting, please register as a delegation. You can register as a delegation using the Register as a Delegation form.
Alternatively, delegation requests can be submitted at the Clerk’s Office using a paper copy of the Delegation Request Form. In addition, delegation requests can be submitted via mail or email:
City Clerk’s Office
1 Wellington Street
Stratford ON N5A 6W1
When submitting a delegation request through email, phone or by mail please ensure the following information is provided:
You can also submit written comments for consideration by Council through email and mail.
Once your delegation request or written comments are received, we will arrange to schedule you on the appropriate agenda and send you a confirmation message with instructions for participating in the meeting.
Registration is not required for statutory public meetings about development applications such as Zoning By-law and Official Plan amendments. These items are noted on City Council agendas as ‘public meetings to hear applications under sections 17, 34 and 51 of the Planning Act’.
If you register to speak at a meeting, but you’re unable to attend, please provide your written comments to the City Clerk’s Office.
Deadlines for registering to be a delegation for items on an agenda |
If you are aware of an upcoming item and you would like your delegation, written comments and/or presentation materials to appear on the agenda, please register or submit the material to the Clerk’s Office no later than 4:30 p.m., the Tuesday prior to the confirmed meeting. Requests to appear as a delegation following the publishing of an agenda will be considered and may be listed on an addendum. |
Topics not included on a meeting agenda |
To speak to City Council about a topic that is not part of an upcoming agenda, please write the City Clerk’s Office and include
Topics presented without delegations or written comments |
The Committee of the Whole or City Council may meet to discuss a notice of motion, by-law, or have a workshop. These meetings may be open for the public to attend, but do not include delegations and written correspondence. |
Submitting a Delegation Request |
The Clerk will distribute your request and the meeting agenda to members. It will also be posted on the City of Stratford website so that members and general public have a chance to consider the information before the meeting. All personal information, except for your name, will be removed before distributing the request. |
Handouts and PowerPoint Presentations |
All materials to be included with an agenda must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m., the Tuesday of the week prior to the confirmed meeting, for inclusion on the agenda. PowerPoint presentations and handouts can be uploaded with the Request for Delegation form or submitted to the Clerk’s Office via e-mail. If your delegation request or written comments are submitted after the deadline, then they must be given to the Clerk’s Office by Noon on the on the business day preceding the meeting. Please note we are unable to load files onto our computer during the meeting, including those brought in by the delegate on a flash drive or USB stick. Presentation materials must comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information Privacy Protection Act (MFIPPA) and cannot include photos of identifiable individuals, licence plates or names without the individual’s consent. Your presentation must not include statements or materials which are:
What to expect at a meeting |
For Sub-committee meetings: five members of Council are appointed to Sub-committees and will be in attendance, along with City staff. For Committee and Council meetings: all 11 members of Council will be in attendance, along with City staff. Sub-committee, Committee and Council meetings are “open” meetings which means that they are open to any member of the public wishing to attend. To appear as a delegation, you are required to be listed on the agenda or have submitted a request prior to the meeting, unless it is a public meeting. Delegation presentations are near the beginning of the meeting. Prior to a delegation being heard, a motion to hear the presentation must first be made by a Member of Council. Once a motion is made, the Mayor or Chair will call you to come forward to the podium when it is time for you to speak. Please state your name for the record and organization or company you are representing, if any. As a delegation, you shall not speak disrespectfully of any person, use offensive words, speak on any subject other than the subject for which you have received approval, disobey any decision of the Chair or enter into debate with other delegations, staff or Council members. |
Time limits |
If presenting for the first time on a topic, delegations are given 10 minutes to present. If the presentation is the second time on a topic, then delegations are limited to 5 minutes to present new information. These timelines do not account for questions from members of Council. Only one person at a time is permitted to speak and must be acknowledged by the Mayor or Chair prior to speaking. |
Groups and Associations |
Community groups and associations are encouraged to select a single person to speak on behalf of the group. Please let us know if you are appearing on behalf of a community group or association. You cannot register multiple delegations and you cannot register on behalf of someone else. |
What Happens Next? |
The purpose of a delegation is to provide information to Sub-committee, Committee or Council. After hearing your presentation and asking questions, Sub-committee may make a motion. They might refer the matter to staff to gather information or prepare a report or, they might make a motion recommending taking action on your issue. If a motion is made at Sub-committee, it will carry forward to the next Standing Committee meeting. Please be aware that a final decision from Council can take more than 6 weeks to decide due to meeting schedules. The City of Stratford uses a three step decision making process. You can read about it in more detail at City Council. |
Petitions |
Petitions presented to Council shall:
Recording Notification |
Meetings of Council and Standing Committees may be attended by the media and be recorded by Cable TV network and broadcast on a local channel. Please note that your image may be seen as part of this broadcast. As a Delegation or Presenter please note that all Sub-committee, Committee and Council meetings are open (except those meetings authorized by law to be closed to the public) and your comments may be reported in the newspaper, radio, or on television. Please note comments made at an open meeting by a member of the public or delegation become part of the public record. |
Collection of Personal Information |
Personal information that is collected will be used for the purpose of registering delegates and communicating with them about meetings, agenda matters and materials. Your information may be made public through the course of a meeting and corresponding agendas and minutes. Personal information, as defined by Section 2 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and in accordance with the provisions of MFIPPA. |
If you have questions, contact the City Clerk's Office during business hours at 519-271-0250 extension 237 or email the Clerk's Office.