Applications for the 2025 Outdoor Patio Program will open soon.
Please note that boardwalks are on a first come, first serve basis and approval is subject to all City requirements being met.
At the February 27, 2023 Regular Council meeting, Council adopted the following recommendation of the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee:
THAT Business Licensing By-law 187-2004, as amended, be further amended to increase the minimum commercial general liability requirements of all business licenses from $2 million to $5 million.
For administration of this update, the City's insurer has advised that where the relationship does not directly involve City property or facilities, and the conditions are met, $2 million is appropriate minimum insurance coverage. Any business licensing where there is use of City property or facilities will require the $5 million minimum coverage.
The City of Stratford’s Business Licencing By-law 187-2004 is a by-law that licences, regulates and governs certain businesses in the City of Stratford and establishes licencing fees.
As a business owner, you are responsible for ensuring that all City bylaws, Provincial Acts and Federal Acts are followed while operating under the business licence.
Questions about business licencing and the applications can be directed to the Clerk's Office.
The completed application must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office along with the required documents and licence fee. Upon receipt of a completed application, staff will forward it to various departments for possible inspections and approval. Once all approvals are received, a Business Licence will be issued and you will be required to post it in your business or within/on your refreshment vehicle. You cannot open your business before you have received this licence.
All business licences must be renewed annually.
Licence Class |
Licence Fee |
Adult Entertainment Establishments |
$473.00 |
Adult Entertainment Performers |
$151.00 |
Auctioneers |
$253.00 |
Body Piercing Parlours |
$264.00 |
Body Rub Parlours |
$472.00 |
Body Rub Attendants |
$151.00 |
Circus |
$287.00 |
Hawker Pedlar (Door to door, flea market, craft shows, trade shows, antique/collectible shows, special event) |
$409.00 |
Old Gold, Other Precious Metals, Old Jewellery Sales |
$168.00 |
Outdoor Cafes |
$663.00 licence fee plus $2.86 per square foot |
Pawnbroker |
$117.00 |
Refreshment Vehicles |
$556.00 per Refreshment Vehicle |
Bicycle Ice Cream Vehicles |
$185.00 |
Tattoo Parlours |
$402.00 |
The fee for a duplicate licence or change in operating name of a business is $28.00 each.
All business licence fees are non-refundable. The City accepts cash, cheque, debit or credit card for payment of the application fees.
Adult Entertainment Establishments |
All Adult Entertainment Establishments within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding the operation of an Adult Entertainment Establishment and obtaining a licence. |
Adult Entertainment Performers |
All Adult Entertainment Performers within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining an Adult Entertainment Performer licence. |
Auctioneers |
All Auctioneers within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. Auctioneers licences means a person carrying on the business of selling or putting up for sale, goods, wares, merchandise or effects by public auction. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining an Auctioneer licence. |
Body Piercing Parlours |
All Body Piercing Parlours within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Body Percing Parlour licence. |
Body Rub Parlours |
All Body Rub Parlours within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Body Rub Parlour licence. |
Body Rub Attendants |
All Body Rub Attendants within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Body Rub Attendants licence. |
Circus |
All Circuses that are planning on operating within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. A circus is defined as a variety show usually including feats of physical skill and performances by jugglers and clowns except other live exhibitions with performing exotic or wild animals as defined in Bylaw 89-2003. The following information is required for all applications:
If tents are being used, a tent permit may be required. Please contact the Building & Planning Department at 519-271-0250 ext. 5345 for further information. Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Circus licence. |
Hawker Pedlar |
Hawker Pedlar licences flea markets, craft shows, antique shows, trade shows and door to door sales. Organizers of an event where goods/food are being sold must apply for a Hawker Pedlar licence. As part of this application, the following information is required to be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to the event. Failure to submit all required documentation may result in the licence not being issued in time for the event.
If tents are being used, a tent permit may be required. Please contact the Building & Planning Department at 519-271-0250 ext. 5345 for further information. If the event includes the serving and consumption of alcohol, a provincial Liquor Permit must be obtained from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). The AGCO will outline conditions that must be met for a liquor licence to be issued, which may include approval from City Council. Please contact the ACGO for further information. Registered charitable organizations or not-for-profit organizations are required to obtain a business licence but are exempt from paying the licence fee. If food is being sold/served/consumed, please contact the Huron Perth Public Health Unit for further information. As an event organizer, you are responsible for ensuring that all City bylaws, Provincial Acts and Federal Acts are followed while operating under the business licence. Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Hawker Pedlar licence. |
Old Gold, Other Precious Metals, Old Jewellery Sales |
All businesses or events that sell or purchase old gold, other precious metals or old jewellery are required to obtain a licence prior to operating. The following information is required for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining an Old Gold, Other Precious Metals, Old Jewellery Sales licence. |
Outdoor Cafes |
2024 Outdoor Patio ProgramApplications will be accepted starting April 2, 2024. The patio season is May 1 - October 31. Patios will not be permitted to operate prior to May 1. Outdoor Cafe licences are required for all restaurants where outdoor seating on municipal property, including a sidewalk, is provided for the serving or consumption of food or beverage. The following information is required for all applications for new Outdoor Cafes:
In addition to requiring an annual licence, all outdoor cafe applicants are required to enter into an agreement with the City which sets out the terms, conditions and rental fees for the use of municipal property. Once the business licence has been approved and the agreement has been entered into, the outdoor cafe will be permitted to operate. Along with the licence fee, a fee per square foot is required to be paid based on the square footage of the outdoor cafe on an annual basis. A licence is required to be obtained on an annual bases to operate an outdoor cafe. As per section 8 of the Use of Municipal Property, Boulevards and Sidewalk policy: Street furniture placed on municipal sidewalks and boulevards shall be removed by November 1st of each year and cannot be placed out the following year until after March 31st to allow for municipal snow clearing operations. This provision excludes utility poles, traffic signs, bus stop signs, telephone booths, parking metres, and related items. Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining an Outdoor Cafe licence. |
Pawnbroker |
All pawnbroker businesses are required to obtain a licence on an annual basis prior to operating within the City of Stratford. The following information is required on an annual basisi for all applications:
Refreshment Vehicles and Bicycle Ice Cream Vehicles |
All refreshment vehicles and bicycle ice cream vehicles are required to obtain a licence on an annual basis prior to operating within the City of Stratford. A refreshment vehicle (often referred to as a food truck) includes a vehicle from which food stuffs are sold or offered for sale and where the food stuffs are prepared or cooked on the refreshment vehicle or elsewhere. A bicycle ice cream vehicle means any cart, bicycle or tricycle, irrespective of the type of motive power employed to move the bicycle ice cream vehicle from one point to another. The only food stuffs that are sold or offered for sale by consumption by the public, are prepared ice cream products. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
A refreshment vehicle or bicycle ice cream vehicle cannot operate on private property within the City without the written permission of the property owner. The letter must include contact information for the property owner and the specific dates and times that the vehicle will be operating. Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Refreshment Vehicle and Bicycle Ice Cream Vehicle licence. |
Tattoo Parlours |
All Tattoo Parlours within the City of Stratford are required to obtain a business licence prior to operating. The following information is required on an annual basis for all applications:
Please see the Business Licence Bylaw for further information regarding obtaining a Tattoo Parlour licence. |
The City of Stratford also uses BizPaL which is an online service that provides information from the Municipal, Provincial and Federal governments on certain business requirements.