Choose the Plan that's Right for You:
This plan runs from January to December with withdrawal on 1st day of each month. The first six monthly payments are based on the previous year's tax levy. The final six monthly payments are adjusted to reflect the actual taxes for the year. You will be notified of any changes in your monthly withdrawal amount.
Your bills will be sent to you as usual. The instalment amount will be withdrawn from your account on the instalment due date. To have the plan in place for the current tax instalment, please ensure this application is received in our office at least 15 days before the first due date.
To apply for either the monthly or instalment due date options above, complete a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Enrolment Form and return to City Hall Tax Department with VOID cheque, or submit by fax with VOID cheque to 519-271-4357, or email our Tax Department.
Please note that for a joint bank account, all depositors must sign if more than one signature is required on cheques issued against the account.
For further details, please call the Tax Department at (519) 271-0250 Extension 5209.
The City will accept post-dated cheques corresponding with the amounts and due dates printed on the stubs. Please ensure the payment stubs are included with your cheques.
Effective January 1, 2019, cheques not honoured by your bank will result in a charge of $40.00 being added to your tax account. Please ensure that your cheques are properly completed and signed.
Payments may be made by telephone or computer banking through any of the major financial institutions. Use the 15 digit roll no. for your account number when paying online/telephone banking. Your tax roll no. appears on your tax bill and looks like this: 020-077-15957-0000. Hint: do not enter spaces or hyphens when entering your roll no. online.
Payment by cash, cheque or debit may be made in person at City Hall, 1 Wellington Street, Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30 at the main reception area. An after hours mailbox is located at the City Hall Rear Entrance beside the double doors.
Please make your cheque payable to City of Stratford. Please include the payment stub with your cheque. Please mail early, as payments delayed in the mail and received after the due date will be subject to a penalty charge. Do not send cash through the mail!