The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) establishes a general right of access to records held by municipal government and local agencies, boards and commissions. The purpose of the Act is accountability to the public.
F.O.I. requests for information held by the City of Stratford are made to the Clerk's Office. The legislation outlines processes for accessing requests as well as a number of exemptions where information cannot be released.
Requests must be made in writing or they can be made by submitting a Freedom of Information Request Form along with the $5 application fee.
Freedom of Information Request Form
F.O.I. requests are generally processed in 30 days. If the City requires more time, you will be notified.
The following fees apply to Freedom of Information requests:
Other fees may apply depending on the nature of the request.
Fees may be paid in cash, cheque, or debit payable to the City of Stratford.
City of Stratford
Clerk’s Office
PO Box 818
Stratford ON N5A 6W1
If we believe the request will cost more than $25, we will contact you for approval to proceed or to give you the opportunity to revise your request in order to reduce the cost.