The Corporation of City of Stratford (City) recognizes the need to balance an individual’s right to privacy with the City’s duty to create safe and secure environments. Closed circuit video surveillance systems are an effective way to ensure the safety and security of the City’s property, facilities and people. The City recognizes that privacy concerns are inherent in surveillance technology and is committed to striking a balance between maintaining the safety of individuals and security of City assets, while minimizing the potential for privacy intrusion.
The City of Stratford supports the use of video surveillance technology to promote public and employee safety and to maintain security of the City’s assets and property. Surveillance policies and procedures have been developed to govern the use of video surveillance on municipal property and to protect personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990.
The City’s surveillance policy applies to all City of Stratford employees, including full-time, part-time, casual, contract, volunteer and co-op placement employees.
This policy applies to all video surveillance systems located at all City properties and facilities.
This policy does not apply to videotaping or audiotaping of Stratford City Council meetings, Committee meetings, Sub-committee meetings, Advisory Committee meetings, Outside Board meetings, or to covert surveillance used as an investigation tool for law enforcement purposes or in contemplation of litigation.
Privacy Protection
The video surveillance policy and procedures have been designed to ensure the benefits of video surveillance outweigh any potential loss of personal privacy. The policy accomplishes this by:
The City of Stratford is committed to integrating best practices with the responsible use of video surveillance technology. The City ensures that the information captured on video surveillance is maintained as private, confidential and secure, except for in situations outlined in this policy.
Disclosure to Law Enforcement
The City of Stratford discloses video records to law enforcement agencies in Canada upon request, providing the records are used for the purposes of an active or potential law enforcement investigation.
Legal Authority
The Municipal Act, 2001 at 10(2)(6) and 10(2)(8) provides single-tier municipalities broad authority to regulate the health, safety, and well-being of persons, and the protection of persons and property.
Occupiers' Liability Act, R.S.O. 1990 at 3(1) provides that an occupier of a premises owes a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that persons entering on the premises, and the property brought on the premises by those persons are reasonably safe while on the premises.
City Clerk, 1 Wellington St. Stratford ON N5A 2L3, 519-271-0250 Ext. 5237 or email the Clerks Department.